Che Baraka - Visual Artist: His Art and Times

We are proud to announce that in 2007, this page will include, for your information and research, a listing of archived articles and links to other online materials about Che Baraka.

We have collected and received from dozens of public and private sources, articles, photographs, and other materials spanning three decades, which document the life and professional career of this artist.

If you have or know of any available materials related to Che Baraka, and would like to share them, please let us know.

We welcome letters from Baraka's fellow artists, colleagues, former students, family, friends, collectors/patrons, admirers and detractors. Send us your shared Baraka memories, experiences, and anecdotal insights. Your contributions will be properly credited and acknowledged.

Contact us:

Che Baraka - Visual Artist: His Life and Times

In addition to the cultural history and arts resource these materials will provide for other visitors to this web site, these archives will also be part of the documentary film: 'Knotted Water", presently being written and scheduled for release in 2009.

The film, "Knotted Water", chronicles the work and life of the artist Che Baraka, his contemporaries, and the defining issues of African American artists from 1970 thru 1990.